Outside of St. Bartholomew church in the summer

Parish Ministries

St. Bartholomew's Parish is a welcoming Catholic community with many opportunities to get involved.

Below you will find a brief description of each of our ministries.  If you are interested in joining any of them, please contact the parish office at 416-291-5250.



St. Bartholomew's altar in Lent
Altar Society
The Altar Society maintains all the linens, vessels, and other items used for Mass in our parish. This is important work to ensure that the church and the altar are ready for use by the priest and parishioners.
Catholic Women's League
All women of the parish are invited to join the Catholic Women's League (CWL). Get to know other women in the parish who share your values of faith, service, and social justice.
More information
Catholic Women's League logo
Chalice and bible
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers share their faith in a special way by assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion at each Mass.
Hospitality Ministers
The Ministers of Hospitality welcome parishioners as they enter the church. They assist those with mobility issues to ensure they can receive Holy Communion. They also help during the offertory and Communion.
Crucifix with the phrase "Come Lord Jesus" in the background
Knights of Columbus logo
Knights of Columbus
All the men of the parish are invited to join the Knights of Columbus. To learn more about the Knights of Columbus in Ontario, use the button below.
Ontario Knights of Columbus
Logo for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
This Parish has conducted religious education for adults seeking to join the Catholic Church for nearly 30 years. The program is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please consider our RCIA program. In these classes, adults learn about the Catholic tradition and prepare for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
More Information
Visiting Shut-ins
The purpose of this ministry is to reach out to parishioners who are unable to attend regular liturgy. Lay Pastoral volunteers visit homebound parishioners and residents of long-term care facilities to bring Holy Communion.
Eucharist for the sick
Stylized musical staff
St. Bartholomew has a unique choir at each of its Masses. If you like to sing or you play a musical instrument, you can join the choir at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, or one of the Sunday Masses at 9:30 or 11:15 am. Each choir has its own style, so you can find the best fit for you.