Outside of St. Bartholomew church in the summer

From the Pastor's Desk

已发布 : Dec-19-2024

As we welcome another year to celebrate our faith and community to serve one another for the greater glory of God, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous support to the parish. 

A year ago our parish celebrated the 50th consecration of the parish. This year we are called to join the Church to celebrate the Jubilee that calls us all to draw closer to Christ and strive to proclaim the Gospel with our lives.

It’s an exciting year ahead of us as we continue to look forward to building the parish pastoral hall, a space to enrich and grow spiritually in the service of our parish community and beyond.

The events last weekend were a success, namely:
- Pastoral visit of the Bishop,
- Pre-Christmas Party,
- Lessons & Carols,
- Rite of Enrolment of the young children of the parish for the sacraments.

We were honoured with the presence of MPP Raymond Cho, MP Shaun Chen, and Bishop Vincent Nguyen during our Pre-Christmas Party.

I would like to thank:
- Mrs. Monina Lim-Serrano for assisting me in inviting the dignitaries.
- All the friends of the parish, guests, the parishioners, dance groups (L’DLEL & BFNE), ushers, emcees, families of the children and who will be receiving the Sacraments, staff, and our parish volunteers for being an essential part of our parish community.
- Andrew Kwan, Sheilah D’Souza, and the choir members for leading the Lessons & Carols.
Your generous contributions of your time and talent are much appreciated.

May the days to come be filled with blessings and a deepened spirit of discipleship and stewardship. 

For you I am your pastor, with you I am your fellow pilgrim,
Rev. Fr. Fernan Serrano