Outside of St. Bartholomew church in the summer

Support Your Parish

已发布 : Mar-15-2022

The pandemic has shown just how important the offertory is to the life of our parish. The reality is that St. Bartholomew parish relies on the support from you, our parishioners, to continue in our ministries. It was challenging for our parish to maintain operations without the usual weekly collection.  Now that many of you have begun attending Mass again, we have resumed our usual offertory collection.  You may continue to contribute using your donation envelopes, or you may want to consider giving electronically instead by visiting our Donate Now page.

If you are still unable to attend Mass at this time, there are several ways you can continue to support your parish:

  • Drop off or mail your regular weekly offertory contribution to the parish office.
  • Visit our Donate Now page and select type of donation you would like to make.  If St. Bartholomew is not pre-selected, then select our parish from the dropdown. You will be taken to a page that allows you to choose the amount of your gift (one-time or recurring), and payment method (credit card or chequing account).

Finally, you can contribute to the offertory via on-line banking similar to how you may be paying your utility bills. To do this, the Archdiocese needs to send you your unique account number. Please e-mail them at development@archtoronto.org. In the body of the email provide them with your name, address, parish name and municipality.  They will email you your account information which you can use to set up the Archdiocese of Toronto as a payee in your on-line banking. Your gift will be forwarded to our parish. You can make a one-time or recurring gift to your offertory. This is the most cost effective way to donate electronically.  For more information, see our Pre-Authorized Giving Brochure.

If you have any questions please contact the Development Office at the Archdiocese of Toronto, 416-934-3400, ext. 540.

If you are visiting and not registered to any other parish you might want to consider becoming a registered parishioner.  The Parish Registration form is available on the website or in the narthex.