Outside of St. Bartholomew church in the summer

Planning to be a Catholic teacher?

Przesłane : May-02-2023

It is critical for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic school board in Ontario, as part of your application for employment there must be a PRIEST REFERENCE FORM. If you (or if your adult child) is planning to apply to teach in a Catholic school, it is highly recommended you contact the pastor BEFORE graduating. Please plan to have a conversation with your pastor early in the process and you will avoid disappointment and stress at the time when applications are to be submitted.

Read the form and find out what is required of you in order for the pastor to fill out the form favourably.  Based on the questions of the reference form it is advisable that you start volunteering your time and talent to the parish.

To volunteer for the parish get in touch with the parish office by phone or email.