CWL insignia pin

The CWL Pin


Yes, I am the CWL pin…
I’ve travelled all over the world,
And I can recall thousands of incidents
Where sadness was changed to gladness
Because those who wear me made it so.
I am a symbol to the world.

If I could talk,
I’d be too filled with emotion…
Too filled with pride…to say more than thank you.
Thank you for wearing me
And may God bless and protect you…
And please don’t just wear me to your CWL meetings…
Wear me every time you get a chance to.
You see, I am the CWL pin.
Wear me with pride…for I am proud of you!!!
Yes, I am the CWL pin.
Can you imagine if all the CWL pins
Ever worn by CWL members could talk?
What a story they could tell.

A story of love..of heartche…of joy…of success….
Of involvement...of participation…of citizenship.
In the finest traditional of voluntarism.


                                                                                                  (Bernice Cote - St. Anne’s CWL -Peterborough)