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Catholic Women's League

The Catholic Women's League is active at more than just the parish level.  There are also councils at the regional, diocesan, provincial, and national levels.  With over 75,000 members across the country, we are women of action who believe in the core values of Faith, Service, and Social Justice.

To see a sample of the activities our council has been involved in, take a look at the CWL Photo Gallery.

Come Join Us!
All women of the parish are invited to join the CWL. Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of the month, after the 9:00 am Mass. Our meetings have time for spiritual reflection, business discussions, and socialization. Meetings usually last about 1.5 hours. The CWL also enjoys many social occasions, such as our Mother's Day breakfast, our end of season dinner in June, and our Christmas party. We raise money through various events to help a variety of charities as well as supporting our own parish financially. If you'd like to join the CWL, print this membership form, fill it out, and drop it in the CWL mail slot in the hallway outside the church office.
CWL Membership form
Installation of 2020 CWL Executive
CGL Bake Sale
Catholic Girls League
Girls aged 8-16 are invited to join the Catholic Girls League. Under the guidance of the CWL, the girls have the opportunity to enrich their spiritual life, get involved in the service of others, and develop new friendships.
Membership application
Learn More
The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through the people. We are Catholic Women with a Catholic voice living out the Gospel in words, deeds and actions. We are dedicated to helping our brothers and sisters in need at home. Our core values are faith, service, and social justice. To find out more about the Catholic Women's League in Canada, visit the National website.
CWL National website
CWL with Sisters of St. Peter Claver

To find out what's happening at the Toronto Diocesan council, visit this website:


To get the latest information about the Ontario Provincial council, visit this website:



Program for the CWL 30th anniversary event
30th Anniversary
The St. Bartholomew council was formed in 1994. In September, 2024, we celebrated our 30th anniversary as a council. To read about the event and see photos, press the button below.
30th Anniversary
The CWL Pin
The CWL pin is worn with pride by CWL members across Canada. As members celebrate service anniversaries, they receive pins indicating the milestones. Read the story of the CWL pin.
The CWL pin story
CWL 30 year pin
The Catholic Women's League is involved in many projects based on our core values of Faith, Service, and Social Justice. One of these is Operation Christmas Child, where we collect shoeboxes full of gifts to send to children in developing countries.
2023 Projects
Delivering shoeboxes to Operation Christmas Child
St. Michael's college coat of arms
St. Michael's scholarship
The Catholic Women's League of Toronto is offering a $3,000 scholarship to a Catholic woman who is applying to the University of Toronto, Arts & Science Faculty, and has indicated St. Michael's college as her first choice. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2024. Details and an application can be found in this St. Michael's scholarship document.
Application form
Mary Dobell Poetry and Essay Contest
The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada promotes the Mary Dobell Pro-Life Essay and Poetry Contest to support and encourage an awareness and positive attitude towards a broad range of pro-life issues. These address all facets and stages of life development from conception, through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senior years, to the new life stage after death. In short, pro-life is a choice at every stage of human development. Deadline: February 29, 2024. Send submissions to
Contest Guidelines
Right to Life logo
Volunteer word cloud
Jean McCann Service Award
The Jean McCann Service Award for Youth recognizes and affirms the role played in our Parishes by our confirmed Catholic youth (ages 15-18). This award is a tribute to Jean McCann, an inspirational CWL Life Member. It is hoped that by recognizing a young person with this award we can emphasize the necessity of service to others and show appreciation to those young people who are taking the gospel message seriously. Deadline: February 29, 2024. Send submissions to
Application form
Be Inspired!
From our grassroots fundraising and community initiatives to the diverse range of impactful resolutions we bring forward to government, our first one hundred years contain many powerful stories. We've put them together in a series of short one-minute videos that everyone can view and be inspired by.
View videos
Mustard Seed Project
This section contains documents for CWL members. Many resources can be found on the National website under the Resources section. Here are a few documents for your convenience. The Policies and Procedures document is specific to the St. Bartholomew parish council.
Catholic Women's League logo